since my last post
lots of babies
baby shower
bella of course
food and random home things because lets face it, i spend most of my days at home
right, lets get on with it.

thats a balloon, she's been asking for it

went to watch sex and the city movie with ri, mon and tash. I liked it a lot. Then went to mass and had dinner with Ria at Proa

went to visit Tess and RJ and their new baby Maya

Bella was glad to play with her friend Mara, im not sure what she's zoning out on here

also went to visit Lucille in the hospital as she welcomed her new baby boy Rynier

random stuff in my room

made smoked salmon in cream sauce with fettucini noodles

hanging outside

went to a baby shower and took a photo of chicken kelaguen for susie

made some mango bread

made spaghetti with stewed tomatoes and eggplant, and mozzarella puffs

yesterday was Ria's birthday, stopped by her work and brought her some breakfast goodies along with her present, bella in her office:


last but not least, bella insisted i take a photo of her line of cars

the end, hope you all have a great weekend.
I was browsing google images and I came across your picture of chicken kelaguen! Fino Chamoru? ;p You take beautiful pictures. I'm subscribing to you. <3
Sometimes I wish we could just live in your pictures, Lan.
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